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David Harpool

Hey, I’m David Harpool.

I co-founded AVID Financial Planning in 2013 alongside Jack Arnold to help families create a financial plan that prioritized what’s actually important to them – not to a big-box financial firm with a sole focus on retirement.

Tell me about your education and how long you have been in your field?

I am a proud alum of the University of Akron, ‘99 – Go Zips!, and started in the financial services industry in 2000. I have been working with clients since 2007.

What are you most passionate about professionally? Personally?

Professionally, I love connecting with people on a deep level. Being a financial life planner allows me to truly understand my clients core values and their deepest aspirations. It’s not by chance that the True money Process encourages such a relationship.

Personally, I’m trying to be the best husband and father possible. I feel blessed to have such a wonderful relationship with my wife and our children. I just want to raise them to be the best humans they possibly can be - judging no one, accepting others for who they are, and loving life no matter what happens. No pressure!

Finish this sentence. On Saturday mornings, you can usually find me…

Outside! I enjoy my yard and taking care of it. I will try to grill anything you give me on my old school, charcoal smoker and love being creative with projects too. I’m often ridiculed for the need to be within 1/18 th of an inch from perfection. What can I say, your pictures will always be straight! (It’s no coincidence I am the Chief Compliance Officer at AVID)

Outside of your amazing co-workers, who do you spend your time with?

I love spending time with my wife, Melissa (we met in Sturgis 2007), and our children, Clayton (6) and Lucilia (4). They too love the outdoors, and we often find ourselves at the beach, a brewery, kayaking, playing soccer (COYR!), or anywhere the sunshine will hit us!

Who is the Greatest Of All Time (GOAT)? LeBron or Jordan?

Despite being born in the birthplace of LeBron James and watching him develop into an amazing player, I vote Jordan. I idolized him as a young b-ball player and will never forget “The Shot” where he defeated the Cleveland Cavs with a buzzer beater at the foul line.